Analysis of drug resistance in multiple myeloma and the interaction with mesenchymal stem cells by scRNA-seq
Slides Poster
International Student Workshop 2020
Organizer: IGDB, NAIST and UC Davis

Phthalates —- the sword of Damocles hanging over everyone’s head
Slides Poster
Future Science Salon
Organizer: Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Born for interactive computing —- Project Jupyter
Technical Forum
Organizer: Prof. Xiu-Jie Wang’s lab, Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Identification of gene networks mediating neurodegenerative dementia
Journal Club
Organizer: Prof. Xiu-Jie Wang’s lab, Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Astrocyte and brain injury repair
Journal Club
Organizer: Prof. Xiu-Jie Wang’s lab, Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Beneficial effects of exercise on neurogenesis and cognition to the aged brain
Journal Club
Organizer: Prof. Xiu-Jie Wang’s lab, Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Peripheral immune cells and anxiety-like behavior
Journal Club
Organizer: Prof. Xiu-Jie Wang’s lab, Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Mitochondrial translation and cytotoxic T cells
Journal Club
Organizer: Prof. Xiu-Jie Wang’s lab, Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Spatial genomics and cancer heterogeneity
Journal Club
Organizer: Prof. Xiu-Jie Wang’s lab, Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Sex dimorphic imprints of prior mild COVID-19
Journal Club
Organizer: Prof. Xiu-Jie Wang’s lab, Key Laboratory of Genetic Network Biology, IGDB

Page design by Xiangjie Zhao